Renee Johnson serves as executive director of Mindworks Georgia.
The Behavioral Health Coordinating Council is chaired by the commissioner of the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities and is composed of commissioners from each relevant state agency, as well as legislators, consumers, consumer family members, and the state ombudsman. The council ensures the coordination of overlapping behavioral health services, funding, and policy within the state and among state agencies.
Mindworks Georgia serves as the state director-level, multiagency working group of the Behavioral Health Coordinating Council and is responsible for developing and implementing the system of care framework in Georgia.
Local Interagency Planning Team Collaboratives create a feedback loop between Mindworks Georgia and Local Interagency Planning Teams to address regional issues and provide a regional opportunity for collaborative learning and service coordination.
Local Interagency Planning Teams consist of mandated local or county-level child serving agencies and partner participants that work with families to improve and coordinate services for youth with a mental health diagnosis. They are spearheaded by a volunteer chairperson and are present in almost every county.